Thursday, August 14, 2008

last minute again

I have eventually managed to print about 100 of Nick's photos that he scanned from slides so I have photos to take with me on holiday and scrap. I know that sounds like sacrilege, but Nick isn't a morning person at the best of times. Even on holiday I'm up at least an hour or two before him. This is the third year I've taken some scrapbooking, the first year I finished my Peru album and this time I'm hoping to finish my Egypt album. I don't think there are many pages to finish so I will take the album with me.

ALL I need to do now is to make up some page kits. I always procrastinate and avoid what I should be doing, so at the moment I'm blogging and downloading games onto my ipod touch. If I actually did what I need to I would be less stressed and ready to go!!

See you soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sue, I just wanted to let you know that I've tagged you on my blog if you're up for blog award type games. :)